Custom Molded Rubber Specialty Square Seal


  • Custom Molded Rubber Specialty Square Seal Ref: 105501

    High Tech Assembly System Requires High Tech Rubber Seal
    A leading manfuacturer of automated assembly line design contacted Custom Rubber Corp. to assist with design and manufacture of specialty rubber molded square seals.  The seals are used on a fully automated assembly line used to manufacture printer ink cartridges.

    The rubber material has to be 100% silicone free and the parts have to be shipped clean to insure no contamination during the assembly process.  The square and rectangular molded rubber seals pictured here are less than 1.5" square and have unique sealing features molded in to insure the correct tight fit for the life of the total assembly line.

    The molded rubber parts pictured are not in stock or for sale. These are examples of custom-manufactured products that illustrate Custom Rubber Corp.'s capabilities.