Custom Rubber Corp. has invested regularly in the equipment and technology related to insuring a clean, finished part.
The most versatile and effective way to deflash rubber products is through liquid nitrogen tumbling and/or shot blasting. In both cases, the rubber parts are placed inside a barrel and the liquid nitrogen is used to chill the parts so that the flash becomes brittle, but the part does not crack. Once chilled, the machines either tumble the parts around on themselves, or tumble and fire ceramic media at the parts to encourage all the flash to break off. All the units Custom Rubber currently has are computer controlled with specific settings saved for each and every item.
Nitrogen Tumbler |
Cryogenic Deflasher |
Nitrogen Shot Blaster |
In addition to the automated deflashing equipment, Custom Rubber Corp. continually invests in lighting for inspectors and the overall work space. With limited employee turnover, our finishing department employees are some of the most experienced and well-trained in the industry.
Once quality standards are established for a particular part, Custom Rubber used digital photography to document what is acceptable and what is not. By using pictures with notations, Custom Rubber can insure uniform criteria across shifts and personnel.