Rubber Transfer Molding


Rubber Transfer Molding Video

Similar to compression molding, transfer molding requires secondary raw material preparation into "pre-forms" that are loaded into a "pot." When the mold is closed, a "plunger" compresses the rubber in the pot and forces it through holes to fill the part cavity. The advantages of transfer molding over compression molding can include:

1. Fewer and simpler pre-forms because one pre-form can fill hundreds of cavities.

2. Tighter dimensional tolerance control because the mold is not held open by excess material spilling out of the cavity parting line; all the excess hold the plunger open from the pot.

3. Colored rubber parts benefit because pre-forms can be cut by hand from raw material sheets, significantly reducing the chance of contamination that can come from mechanical prep for compression molding or the injection screw and barrel in injection molding.

4. The primary disadvantage is increased waste; the flash pad or rubber left in the pot after transfer is typically cured and has to be recycled or thrown out. Custom Rubber Corp. has well over 100 years of institutional knowledge about transfer molding