John Bellett presented at the Industry Benchmarking conference about Custom Rubber Corp.'s innovative use of vision technology, both for part inspection and also for mold safety. (Photo
Courtesy of Creative Technology)
John talked about how Custom Rubber Corp. developed a bowl-fed inspection system for a rubber-covered washer. The approach was led internally by John and his fellow engineer and was very methodical - each step was confirmed before more capital and the next step was taken. The end result is a system that can inspect both sides of the part in-line with two cameras and a magnetic conveyor belt to detect parts missing the metal washer.
John also discussed the other vision system project that he led which uses vision inspection cameras to confirm hand-loaded metal inserts are in place prior to closing the mold for overmolding. Again, the system was tested and verified along the way before each additional piece of capital was spent. The first system was so successful that CRC now has two systems, both of which had ROI's of less than 6 months.
John is part of the team at Custom Rubber Corp. that constantly looks outside our industry for innovative solutions to ensure we are delivering the best possible products to our customers.